
2005 Organizational Plan to Revive San Diego

George R. Najjar

REORGANIZE CITY HALL. Council Members must replace the politically oriented chief–of–staff and policy analyst positions with the following non–political, objective staff positions:

Economic Analyst – Will a proposal add to our long–term revenue base or provide some other tangible benefit to City? We need projects which generate income for the City rather than the developers.

Environmental Analyst – What are the effects of a proposal upon the water, land, air, and plant and animal life? We must preserve San Diego’s environment. It is why we all live here, and it is the soul of our tourism industry.

Engineering Analyst – Is the proposal sound? Are competent labor and proper materials being used? What are the burdens on existing infrastructure? Will the proposal create any future impacts?

Community Liaison – No more guessing by the constituency as to whom to contact with our municipal issues. Every person, business, committee, commission, neighborhood and civic group, and the press will now have a direct connection to City Hall.

CARRY OUT THE WILL OF THE VOTERS – For example, San Diegans have voted for slow growth, to allow alcohol on the beaches, and twice to save the cross, but the politicians continue to follow their own agenda. Our representatives must selflessly carry out the instructions of their constituency, even when personal opinions may differ.

ADDRESS ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION – Objectively, our City cannot afford to be the nation’s metropolitan illegal immigration battlefield. We must press the federal government to stem the flow of illegal immigrants, and to financially compensate San Diego for the illegal immigration burdens we incur.

VOTE TO INCREASE THE TAX ON TOURISTS – To raise and earmark revenue for police, fire, infrastructure, environmental protection, and the promotion of tourism, we must raise the Transit Occupancy Tax to the national standard.

DEVELOP TOMORROW’S ETHICAL LEADERS TODAY – Council Members should hire interns from high school, college and graduate schools for hands–on experience in municipal governance. These students will develop pride and confidence by helping to fix our City. In this way, we plant the seeds for ethical governance tomorrow.

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